Rankings & accreditations

Accredited in A+ grade by National Assessment and Accreditation Council

UGC-entitled Online Degrees Equivalent to Campus Degree

Amongst India’s Top #151-200 Universities in 2024

AICTE Norms Compliant

Top Private University in North East

Amongst Top 10 Multidisciplinary Universities in East Zone
Online degrees for everyone
Heritage of SMU, now online
Message from the Vice Chancellor
Providing quality and affordable education for all has been the driving force behind building Sikkim Manipal University to what it is today. Renewing our efforts towards creating student-centric learning experiences for professional growth, SMU is excited to now go online and cater to learners across various geographies & backgrounds.
Air Vice Marshal (Dr) Dilip Chandra Agarwal, VSM (Retd)
Vice Chancellor, Sikkim Manipal University

27+ years
Quality education
Faculty & staff
Research grants
Research publications
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